
flaming pinesの48時間無料DLキャンペーンの中に私のアルバムも選ばれました。

Free or pay what you want for the next 48 hours is Yuco's album I'm living with melancholy in the fog.

Here are some reviews:

''Together they have created a work of lonely beauty that sounds like loss and separation. It’s an important album...'' A Closer Listen.

"From the title of the album alone, I’m Living With Melancholy in the Fog, I approach the music rather cautiously, reluctant to be drowned in despair. Track titles such as “I broke up her marriage”, “Another death, another life”, and “A complete failure” hint at sadness shared within, but the music carries a hint of faith and even optimism." Headphone Commute.

''Miyazaki plays simple, elegant, actually more optimistic than sorrowful melodies on guitar, piano and sitar, gorgeously perched atop shoreline field recordings captured, looped and layered by Kobayash.'' Igloo Mag.

''Yuco's album fits perfectly into the grand theme of Flaming Pines and is an excitingly good-natured Modern Classical artifact. After such a horrible incident, joy and vitality are needed. Yuco's latest work delivers these almost exclusively, as unbelievable as this may seem.'' Ambient Exotica.

"Municipal Area is the major highlight to the album, the spiralling electronic piano sounds paired with the moving water in the background make for an amazing atmospheric experience!" Tomatrax.

"Two of the most memorable pieces are “I Broke Up Her Marriage,” which is elevated by a series of beautiful piano patterns that imbue the song with a graceful, lilting quality, and “Municipal Area,” whose organ patterns exude a propulsion and urgency reminiscent of Philip Glass." Textura.